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Scientific articles and book chapters
Yang, X.-W. Weiner, J. Fan, J.-W., Luo, W.-Y., Ren, J.-Y., Li, F.-M. and Du, Y.-L. 2024. Evolutionary Agroecology: individual fitness, population yield and resource availability in wheat. Basic and Applied Ecology 81, 53-58, doi: 10.1016/j.baae.2024.10.004 (link)
Huang, T.-T., Döring, T.F., Dang, P.-F., Weiner, J., Zhang, M.-X., Zhang, M.-M., Siddique, K.H.M., Schmid, B. and Qin, X.-L. 2024. Cultivar mixtures increase crop yields and temporal yield stability globally. A meta-analysis. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 44, 28 doi: 10.1007/s13593-024-00964-6 (link)
Du, P., Zhu, Y.-H., Weiner, J., Sun, Z. and Li, F.-M. 2024. Reduced root cortical tissue with increased root xylem investment is associated with high wheat yields in central China. Plants 13, 1075,
doi: 10.3390/plants13081075 (link)
Golan, G., Weiner, J., Zhao, Y. and Schnurbusch, T. 2024. Agroecological genetics of biomass allocation in wheat uncovers genotype interactions with canopy shade and plant size. New Phytologist 242, 107–120. doi: 10.1111/nph.19576. (link)
Chen, R. and Weiner, J. 2024. A general approach analyzing transient dynamics in plant biomass allocation patterns. Global Ecology and Conservation 49, doi: 10.1016/j.gecco.2023.e02783 (link)
Weiner, J. 2023. Weed suppression by cereals: Beyond "competitive ability". Weed Research 63, 133-138.
doi: 10.1111/wre.12572. (link)
Xi, Y., Wang, D., Weiner, J., Du, Y.-L. and Li, F.-M. 2023. Time to onset of flowering, water use, and yield in wheat. Agronomy 13, 1217. doi: 10.3390/agronomy13051217. (link)
Cai, J., Weiner, J., Luo, W., Feng, X., Yang, G., Lü, X.-T., Li, M.-H., Jiang, Y., Han, X. 2023. Functional structure mediates the responses of productivity to addition of three nitrogen compounds in a meadow steppe. Oecologia 201, 575-584. doi: 10.1007/s00442-022-05310-9 (link)
Zhang, W.-P., Li, Z.-X., Gao, S.-N., Yang, H., Xu, H.-S., Yang, X., Suri, G., Weiner, J., Fornara, D. and Li, L. 2023. Resistance vs. surrender: different responses of functional traits of soybean and peanut to intercropping with maize. Field Crops Research 291, 108779 doi: 10.1016/j.fcr.2022.108779 (request reprint)
Chen, R., Shi, C., Zhang, L., Tu, C. and Weiner, J. 2023. Potential role of kin selection in the transition from vegetative to reproductive allocation in plants. Journal of Plant Ecology 16. doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtad025 (link)
Cavalieri, A., Groβ, D., Dutay, A. and Weiner, J. 2022. Do plant communities show Constant Final Yield? Ecology e3802. doi: 10.1002/ecy.3802 (link)
Xi, N., Wu, Y., Weiner, J. and Zhang, D.-Y. 2022. Does weed suppression by high crop density depend on crop spatial pattern and soil water availability? Basic and Applied Ecology 61, 20-29. doi:
10.1016/j.baae.2022.03.001 (link)
Zhu, Y.-H., Weiner J., Jin, Y., Yu, M.-X. and Li, F.-M. 2022. Biomass allocation in response to root interactions in wheat cultivars support predictions of evolutionary agroecology theory. Frontiers in Plant Science 13. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.858636 (link)
Ali, M., Shabbir, A., Mahmood. Z. and Weiner, J. 2022. Effect of wheat density and cultivar on growth and reproduction of burr medic (Medicago polymorpha L.), wheat growth and yield. Weed Biology and Management 22, 3-12. doi: 10.1111/wbm.12245 (link)
Weiner, J., Du, Y.-L., Zhao, Y.-M. and Li, F.-M. 2021. Allometry and yield stability of cereals. Frontiers in Plant Science 12, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.681490 (link)
Damgaard, C. and Weiner, J. 2021. The need for alternative plant species interaction models. Journal of Plant Ecology 14, 771-780. doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtab030 (link)
Jensen, P.M., Sørensen, M. and Weiner, J. 2021. Human Total Fertility Rate affected by ambient temperatures in both the present and previous generations. International Journal of Biometeorology 65, 837–1848. doi: 10.1007/s00484-021-02140-x
Shi, Z., Weiner, J., Cavalieri, A., Liu, H., Li, T., Cai, J., Jiang, Y. 2021. The interaction between N and P ferilization on grassland soil acid buffering capacity is regulated by precipitation. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. doi: 10.1080/00380768.2021.1892457. (link)
Wu, Y., Xi, N., Weiner, J. and Zhang, D.-Y. 2021 Differences in weed suppression between two modern and two old wheat cultivars at different sowing densities. Agronomy 11, 253, doi: 10.3390/agronomy11020253. (pdf reprint)
Yang, R., Weiner, J., Shia, X., Wang, Y., Zhang, R., Zan, S. 2021. Effect of reductive soil disinfestation on the chemical and microbial characteristics of rhizosphere soils associated with Salvia miltiorrhiza production in three cropping systems. Applied Soil Ecology 160, 103865. doi: 10.1016/j.apsoil.2020.103865. (request reprint)
Du, Y.-L., Xi, Y., Cui, T., Anten, N.P.R., Weiner, J., Li, X., Turner, N.C., Zhao, Y.-M. and Li, F.-M. 2020. Yield components, reproductive allometry and the tradeoff between grain yield and yield stability in dryland spring wheat. Field Crops Research 257, 107930. doi: 10.1016 /j.fcr.2020.107930. (request reprint)
Lu, P., Jiang, B. and Weiner, J. 2020. Crop spatial uniformity, yield and weed suppression. Advances in Agronomy 161, 117-178. (request reprint)
Cavalieri, A., Bak, F., Garcia, A.M., Weiner, J., Nicolaisen, M.H. and Nybroe, O. 2020. Effects of intra- and interspecific plant density on rhizosphere bacterial communities. Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 1045. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.01045. (link)
Wan, N.-F., Su, H., Cavalieri, A., Brack, B., Wang, J.-Y., Weiner, J., Fan, N.-N., Ji, X.-Y., Jiang, J.-X. 2020. Multispecies co-culture promotes ecological intensification of vegetable production. Journal of Cleaner Production 257, 120851. doi: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120851 (request reprint)
Weiner, J. 2019. Looking in the wrong direction for higher-yielding crop genotypes. Trends in Plant Science 24, 927-933. (request reprint)
Zhu, Y.-H., Weiner, J. and Li, F.-M. 2019. Root proliferation in response to neighboring roots in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Basic and Applied Ecology 39, 10-14. (request reprint)
Wan, N.-F., Shuang-Xi Li, S.-X., Tao-Li, Cavalieri, A., Weiner, J., Zheng, X.-Q., Ji, X.-Y, Zhang, J.-Q., Zhang, H.-L., Zhang, H., Bai, N.-L., Chen, Y.-J., Zhang, H.-Y., Tao, X.-B., Zhang, H.-L., Lv, W.-G., Jiang, J.-X. and Li. B. 2019. Ecological intensification of rice production through rice-fish co-culture. Journal of Cleaner Production 234, 1002-1012. (request reprint)
Bjørn, M.C., Weiner, J., Kollmann, J. and Ørgaard, M. 2019. Increasing local biodiversity in urban environments: Community development in semi-natural species-rich forb vegetation. Landscape and Urban Planning 184, 23-31. (request reprint)
Zhu, Y.-H., Weiner, J., Yu, M.-X. and Li, F.-M. 2019. Evolutionary agroecology: trends in root architecture during wheat breeding. Evolutionary Applications 12, 733-743 (link)
Rasmussen, C.R., Weisbach, A.N., Thorup-Kristensen, K. and Weiner, J. 2019. Size-asymmetric root competition in deep, nutrient-poor soil. Journal of Plant Ecology 11, 78–88. (link)
Qiu, S., Xu, X., Liu, S., Liu, W., Liu, J., Nie, M., Shi, F., Zhang, Y., Weiner, J. and Li, B. 2018. Latitudinal pattern of flowering synchrony in an invasive wind-pollinated plant. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B, 285. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1072. (link)
Wan, N.-F., Cai, Y.-M., Shen, Y.-J., Ji, X.-Y., Wu, X.-W., Zheng, X.-R., Cheng, W., Li, J., Jiang, Y.-P., Chen, X., Weiner, J., Jiang, J.-X., Nie, M., Ju, R.-T., Yuan, T., Tang, J.-J., Tian, W.-D., Zhang, H. and Li, B. 2018. Increasing plant diversity with border crops reduces insecticide use and increases crop yield in urban agriculture. eLife, 10.7554/eLife.35103. (link)
Wang, P., Shu, M., Mou, P. and Weiner, J. 2018. Fine root responses to temporal nutrient heterogeneity and competition in seedlings of two tree species with different rooting strategies. Ecology and Evolution 8, 3367-3375. (link)
Yang, Y.-B., Weiner, J., Wang, G. and Ren, Z.-W. 2018. Convergence of community composition during secondary succession on Zokor rodent mounds on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Plant Ecology 11, 453–464. (pdf reprint)
Husáková, I., Weiner, J. and Münzbergová, Z. 2018. Species traits and shoot-root biomass allocation in 20 dry-grassland species. Journal of Plant Ecology 11, 273-285. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Du, Y.-L., Zhang, C., Qin, X.-L., Li, F.-M. 2017. Evolutionary Agroecology: Individual fitness and population yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum). Ecology 98, 2261-2266. (link)
Weiner, J. 2017. Applying plant ecological knowledge to increase agricultural sustainability. Journal of Ecology 105, 865-870. (pdf reprint)
Yuan, J., Wang, P., Weiner, J., Bian, H., Tang, Z. and Sheng, L. 2017 The effects of soil drying on the growth of a dominant peatland species, Carex lasiocarpa. Wetlands 37, 1135–1143. (pdf reprint)
Wille, W.K.-M., Pipper, C.B., Rosenqvist, E., Andersen, S.B. and Weiner, J. 2017. Reducing shade avoidance in a cereal crop. AoB Plants 9, (link).
Damgaard, C.F. and Weiner, J. 2017. It's about time: A critique of macroecological inferences concerning plant competition. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 32, 86-87. (pdf reprint)
Cai, J., Weiner, J., Wang, R., Luo, W., Zhang, Y., Liu, H., Xu, Z., Li, H., Zhang, Y., Jiang, Y. 2017. Effects of nitrogen and water addition on trace element stoichiometry in five grassland species. Journal of Plant Research 130, 659-668. (pdf reprint)
Dueholm, B., Bruce, D., Weinstein, P., Semple, S., Møller, B.L. and Weiner, J. 2017 Spatial analysis of root hemiparasitic shrubs and their hosts: a search for spatial signatures of above- and belowground interactions. Plant Ecology 218, 185-196. (pdf reprint)
Rasmussen, C.R. and Weiner, J. 2017. Modelling the effect of size-asymmetric competition on size inequality: Simple models with two plants. Ecological Modelling 343, 101-108. (pdf reprint)
Wang, S., Callaway, R.M., Zhou, D.-W. and Weiner, J. 2017. Experience of inundation or drought alters the responses of plants to subsequent water conditions. Journal of Ecology 105, 176-187. (pdf reprint)
Luo, X., Mazer, S.J., Guo, H., Weiner, J. and Hu, S. 2016. Higher Nitrogen:Phosphorous supply ratio increases proportional investment in above-ground biomass in five alpine plant species. Ecology and Evolution 4, 8881-8892. (link)
DeMalach, N., Zaadi, E., Weiner, J. and Kadmon, R. 2016. Size asymmetry of resource competition and the structure of plant communities. Journal of Ecology 104, 899-910. (pdf reprint)
Wang, Y., Li, L., Zhou, D.-W. and Weiner, J. 2016. The allometry of reproductive allocation in Chtoris virgata populations in response to simulated atmospheric nitrogen deposition. Basic and Applied Ecology 17, 388-395. (pdf reprint)
Li, L., Weiner, J., Wang, Y., Wang, S. and Zhou, D.-W. 2016. Yield–density relationships of above- and belowground organs in Allium cepa var. aggregatum populations. Plant Ecology 217, 913-922 (pdf reprint)
Pazzagli, P.T., Weiner, J. and Liu, F. 2016. Effects of elevated of CO2 on leaf gas exchange, plant water relations, and water use efficiency of two tomato cultivars grown under different irrigation regimes. Agricultural Water Management 169, 26-33. (pdf reprint)
Chu C.-J., Bartlett, M., Wang, Y.-S., He, F.-L., Weiner, J. and Sack, L. 2016. Does climate directly influence NPP globally? Global Change Biology 22, 12-24. (pdf reprint)
Bjørn, M.C., Weiner, J. and Ørgaard, M. 2016. Is colourful self-sustaining forb vegetation mere fantasy? Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 16, 75-79. (pdf reprint)
Yang, R., Guo, F., Zan, S., Zhou, G., Wille, W., Tang, J., J. Chen, X. and Weiner, J. 2015. Copper tolerant Elsholtzia splendens facilitates Commelina communis on a copper mine spoil. Plant and Soil 397, 201-211. (pdf reprint)
Zhang, W.-P., Liu , G.-C., Sun , J.-H., Zhang, L.-Z., Weiner, J., and Li, L. 2015. Growth trajectories and interspecific competitive dynamics in wheat/maize and barley/maize intercropping. Plant and Soil 397, 227-238. (pdf reprint)
Gallandt, E. and Weiner, J. 2015. Crop – weed competition. In Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Wiley & Sons, Chichester, DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0020477.pub2 (request reprint)
Jacobsen, S.-E., Sørensen. M., Pedersen, S.M. and Weiner, J. 2015. Using our agrobiodiversity: Plant solutions to feed the world - A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 35, 1217-1235. (pdf reprint)
Wang, P., Weiner, J., Cahill, J.F., Zhou, D., Bian, H.F., Song, Y. and Sheng, L. 2014. Shoot competition, root competition and reproductive allocation in Chenopodium acuminatum. Journal of Ecology 102, 1688-1696. (pdf reprint)
Marín, C. and Weiner, J. 2014. Effects of density and sowing pattern on weed suppression and grain yield in three varieties of maize under high weed pressure. Weed Research 54, 467-474. (pdf reprint)
Fibich, P., Lepš, J. and Weiner, J. 2014. Individual variability and mortality required for constant final yield in simulated plant populations. Theoretical Ecology 7, 263–271. (pdf reprint)
Hu, F.-Q., Mou, P.P., Weiner, J. and Li, S. 2014. Whole plant - local nutrient contrasts control root growth and death in Ailanthus altissima (Simaroubaceae). American Journal of Botany 101, 812-819. (pdf reprint)
Yu, Z., Zhang, Q., Chen, W., Yang, H., Tang, J., Weiner, J. and Chen, X. 2014. Salt tolerance and stress level affect plant biomass–density relationships and neighbor effects. Acta Oecologica 58, 1-4.
Kiær, L.P., Weisbach, A.N. and Weiner, J. 2013. Root and shoot competition: A meta-analysis. Journal of Ecology 101, 1298–1312. (pdf reprint)
Lin, Y., Berger, U., Grimm, V., Huth, F. and Weiner, J. 2013. Plant interactions alter the predictions of metabolic scaling theory. PLOS ONE 8, e57612. (pdf reprint)
Qin, X.-L., Weiner, J., Qi, L. Xiong, Y.-C. and Li, F-M. 2013. Allometric analysis of the effects of density on reproductive allocation and Harvest Index in 6 varieties of wheat (Triticum). Field Crops Research 144, 162-166. (pdf reprint)
Jacobsen, S.-E., Sørensen. M., Pedersen, S.M. and Weiner, J. 2013. Feeding the world: Genetically modified crops versus agricultural biodiversity. Agronomy for Sustainable Development 33, 651-662. (pdf reprint)
Pan, X.-Y., Weiner, J. and Li, B. 2013. Size-symmetric competition in a shade-tolerant invasive plant. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 51, 318–325. (pdf reprint)
Li, L., Weiner, J., Zhou, D., Huang, Y. and Sheng, L. 2013. Initial density affects biomass – density and allometric relationships in self-thinning populations of Fagopyrum esculentum. Journal of Ecology 101, 475-483. (pdf reprint)
Yu, Z., Zhang, Q., Yang, H., Tang, J., Weiner, J. and Chen, X. 2012. The effects of salt stress and mycorrhiza on neighbour effects and self-thinning in Medicago sativa. Basic and Applied Ecology 13, 673-680. (pdf reprint)
Olsen, J.M., Griepentrog, H.-W., Nielsen, J. and Weiner, J. 2012. How important are crop spatial pattern and density for weed suppression by spring wheat? Weed Science 60, 501-509. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. and Xiao, S. 2012. Variation in the degree of specialization can maintain local diversity in model communities. Theoretical Ecology 5, 161-166 (pdf reprint)
Guo, H., Weiner, J., Mazer, S.J., Zhao, Z. Du, G. and Li, B. 2012. Reproductive allometry in Pedicularis species changes with elevation. Journal of Ecology 100, 452-458. (pdf reprint)
Zhang, Q., Zhang, L., Weiner, J., Tang, J. and Chen, X. 2011. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi alter plant allometry and biomass-density relationships. Annals of Botany 107, 407-412. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. and Freckleton, R. 2010. Constant final yield. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 41, 173-192. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Andersen, S.B., Wille, W.K.-M., Griepentrog, H.-W. and Olsen, J.M. 2010. Evolutionary Agroecology - the potential for cooperative, high density, weed suppressing cereals. Evolutionary Applications 3, 473-479. (pdf reprint)
Chu, C.-J., Weiner, J., Maestre, F.T., Wang, Y.-S., Morris, E.C., Xiao, S., Yuan, J.-L. Du, G.-Z and Wang, G. 2010. Effects of positive interactions, size-symmetry of competition and abiotic stress on self thinning in simulated plant populations. Annals of Botany 106, 647–652. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Campbell, L.G., Pino, J., and Echarte L. 2009. The allometry of reproduction within plant populations. Journal of Ecology 97, 1220-1233. (pdf reprint)
Chu, C.-J., Weiner, J., Maestre, F.T., Xiao, S., Wang, Y.-S., Li, Q., Yuan, J.-L., Zhao, L.-Q., Ren, Z.-W. and Wang, G. 2009. Positive interactions can increase size inequality in plant populations. Journal of Ecology 97, 1401-1407. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Rosenmeier, L., Massoni, E.S., Vera, J.N., Hernández Plaza, E., and Sebastià, M.T. 2009. Is reproductive allocation in Senecio vulgaris plastic? Botany 87, 475-481. (pdf reprint)
Wyszomirski, T. and Weiner, J. 2009. Variation in local density results in a positive correlation between plant neighbor sizes. American Naturalist 173, 705-708. (pdf reprint)
Erneberg, M., Strandberg, B., Strandberg, M., Jensen, B.D. and Weiner, J. 2008. Effects of soil disturbance and disease on growth and reproduction of Lolium perenne (Poaceae) introduced to semi-natural grasslands. Polish Journal of Ecology 56, 593-604. (pdf reprint)
Chu, C.-J., Maestre, F.T., Xiao, S., Weiner, J., Wang, Y.-S., Duan, Z.-H. and Wang, G. 2008. Biomass-density relationships in plant populations are determined by the balance between facilitation and resource competition. Ecology Letters 11, 1189-1197. (pdf reprint)
Damgaard, C. and Weiner, J. 2008. Modelling the growth of individuals in crowded plant populations. Journal of Plant Ecology 1, 111-116. (pdf reprint)
Kristensen, L., Olsen, J. and Weiner, J. 2008. Crop density, sowing pattern and nitrogen fertilization effects on weed suppression and yield in spring wheat. Weed Science 56, 97-102. (pdf reprint)
Andersen, M.K., Hauggaard-Nielsen, H., Weiner, J. and Jensen, E.S. 2007. Evaluating competitive dynamics in two and three component intercrops. Journal of Applied Ecology 44, 545-551. (pdf reprint)
Olsen, J. and Weiner, J. 2007. The influence of Triticum aestivum density, sowing pattern and nitrogen fertilization on leaf area index and its spatial variation. Basic and Applied Ecology 8, 252-257. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. and Damgaard, C. 2006. Size-asymmetric competition and size-asymmetric growth in a spatially-explicit zone-of-influence model. Ecological Research 21, 707-712. (pdf reprint)
Olsen, J., Kristensen, L. and Weiner, J. 2006. Influence of sowing density and spatial pattern of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) on suppression of different weed species. Weed Biology and Management 6, 165-173. (pdf reprint)
Thorsted, M.D., Weiner, J. and Olesen, J.E. 2006. Above-and below-ground competition between intercropped winter wheat Triticum aestivum and white clover Trifolium repens. Journal of Applied Ecology 43, 237-245. (pdf reprint)
Kristensen, L., Olsen, J., Weiner, J., Griepentrog, H.-W. and Nørremark, M. 2006. Describing the spatial pattern of crop plants with special reference to crop-weed competition studies. Field Crops Research 96, 207-215. (pdf reprint)
Nord-Larsen, T., Damgaard, C. and Weiner, J. 2006. Quantifying size-asymmetric growth among individual beech trees (Fagus sylvatica). Canadian Journal of Forest Research 36, 418-425. (pdf reprint)
Ramseier, D. and Weiner, J. 2006. Competitive effect is a linear function of neighbour biomass in experimental populations of Kochia scoparia. Journal of Ecology 94, 305-309. (pdf reprint)
Thorsted, M.D., Olesen, J.E. and Weiner, J. 2006. Width of clover strips and wheat rows influence grain yield in winter wheat/white clover intercropping. Field Crops Research 95, 280-290. (pdf reprint)
Thorsted, M.D., Olesen, J.E. and Weiner, J. 2006. Mechanical control of clover increases grain yield and nitrogen content in winter wheat/white clover intercropping. European Journal of Agronomy 24, 149-155. (pdf reprint)
Grimm, V., Berger, U., Jeltsch, F., Mooij, W., Railsback, S.F., Revilla, E., Thulke, H., Weiner, J., Wiegand, T. and DeAngelis, D.L. 2005. Pattern-oriented modeling of agent-based complex systems: Lessons from ecology. Science 310, 987-991. (pdf reprint)
Olsen, J., Kristensen, L. and Weiner, J. 2005. Effects of density and spatial pattern of winter wheat on suppression of different weed species. Weed Science 53, 690-694. (pdf reprint)
Olsen, J., Kristensen, L., Weiner, J. and Griepentrog, H.W. 2005. Increased density and spatial uniformity increase weed suppression by spring wheat (Triticum aestivum). Weed Research 45, 316-321. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 2004. Allocation, plasticity and allometry in plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 6, 207-215. (pdf reprint)
Vilà, M. and Weiner, J. 2004. Are invasive plant species better competitors than native plant species? - Evidence from pairwise experiments. Oikos 105, 229-238. (pdf reprint)
von Wettberg, E.J. and Weiner, J. 2004. Effects of distance to crop rows and to conspecific neighbours on the size of Brassica napus and Veronica persica weeds. Basic and Applied Ecology 5, 35-41. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 2004. The use and potential misuse of the concept of ecosystem services. Journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry 143 (1), 66-67. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 2003. Ecology: the science of agriculture in the 21st century. Journal of Agricultural Science 141, 371-377. (pdf reprint) In Danish: Weiner, J. 2002. Økologi - fremtidens jordbrugsvidenskab. Sider 325-338 i Jensen, E.S., Vejre, H., Bügel, S.H., Emanuelsson, J., red. Visioner for fremtidens jordbrug. Gads Forlag, København. (pdf reprint)
von Wettberg, E.J. and Weiner, J. 2003. Larger Triticum aestivum plants do not preempt nutrient rich patches in a glasshouse experiment. Plant Ecology 169, 85-92. (pdf reprint)
Stoll, P., Weiner, J., Muller-Landau, H., Müller, E. and Hara, T. 2002. Size symmetry of competition alters biomass-density relations. Proceedings of the Royal Society, Series B, 296, 2191-2195. (pdf reprint)
Damgaard, C., Weiner, J. and Nagashima, H. 2002. Modelling individual growth and competition in plant populations: growth curves of Chenopodium album at two densities. Journal of Ecology 90, 666-671. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Griepentrog, H.-W. and Kristensen, L. 2001. Suppression of weeds by spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) increases with crop density and spatial uniformity. Journal of Applied Ecology 38, 784-790. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Stoll, P., Muller-Landau, H. and Jasentuliyana, A. 2001. The effects of density, spatial pattern and competitive symmetry on size variation in simulated plant populations. American Naturalist 158, 438-450. (pdf reprint)
Inderjit and Weiner, J. 2001. Plant allelopathic interference or soil chemical ecology? Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 4, 3-12. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. and Thomas, S.C. 2001. The nature of tree growth and the “age-related decline in forest productivity”. Oikos 94, 374-376. (pdf reprint)
Damgaard, C. and Weiner, J. 2000. Describing inequality in plant size or fecundity. Ecology 81, 1139-1142. (pdf reprint)
Müller, I., Schmid, B. and Weiner, J. 2000. The effect of nutrient availability on biomass allocation patterns in 27 species of herbaceous plants. Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 3, 115-127. (pdf reprint)
Stoll, P. and Weiner, J. 2000. A neighborhood view of interactions among individual plants. Pages 11-27 in U. Dieckmann, R. Law, J.A.J. Metz, eds. The Geometry of Ecological Interactions: Simplifying Spatial Complexity, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1999. On self-criticism in ecology. Oikos 85, 373-375. (pdf reprint)
Schwinning, S. and Weiner, J. 1998. Mechanisms determining the degree of size-asymmetry in competition among plants. Oecologia 113, 447-455. (pdf reprint)
Vilà, M., Stoll, P. and Weiner, J. 1998. Effects of Rosmarinus officinalis neighbors on resprouting of Erica multiflora individuals. Plant Ecology 136, 167-173. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Kinsman, S. and Williams, S. 1998. Modeling the growth of individuals in plant populations: local density variation in a strand population of Xanthium strumarium. American Journal of Botany 85, 1638-1645. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Martinez, S., Müller-Schärer, H., Stoll, P. and Schmid, B. 1997. How important are environmental maternal effects in plants? A study with Centaurea maculosa. Journal of Ecology 85, 133-142. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Wright, D.B. and Castro, S. 1997. Symmetry of below-ground competition between Kochia scoparia individuals. Oikos 79, 85-91. (pdf reprint)
Hendry, R.J., McGlade, J.M. and Weiner, J. 1996. A coupled map lattice model of the growth of plant monocultures. Ecological Modelling 84, 81-90. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1996. Problems in predicting the ecological effects of elevated CO2. Pages 431-441 in C. Körner and F.A. Bazzaz, eds. Carbon Dioxide, Populations and Communities. Academic Press, San Diego. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1995. On the practice of ecology. Journal of Ecology 83, 153-158. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1995. Following the growth of individuals in crowded plant populations. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 10, 389-390. (pdf reprint)
Schmid B., Bazzaz, F.A. and Weiner, J. 1995. Size dependency of sexual reproduction and of clonal growth in two perennial plants. Canadian Journal of Botany 73, 1831-1837. (pdf reprint)
Schmid, B., Polasek, W., Weiner, J., Krause, A., and Stoll, P. 1994. Modeling of discontinuous relationships in biology with censored regression. American Naturalist 143, 494-507. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. and Fishman, L. 1994. Competition and allometry in Kochia scoparia. Annals of Botany 73, 263-271. (pdf reprint)
Stoll, P, Weiner, J. and Schmid, B. 1994. Growth variability in a naturally-established Pinus sylvestris population. Ecology 75, 660-670. (pdf reprint)
Vilà, M., Weiner, J. and Terradas, J. 1994. Effects of local competition on resprouting of Arbutus unedo. Journal of Vegetation Science 5, 145-152. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1993. Competition, herbivory and plant size variability: Hypochaeris radicata grazed by snails (Helix aspersa). Functional Ecology 7, 47-53. (pdf reprint)
Schmid, B. and Weiner, J. 1993. Plastic relationships between reproductive and vegetative mass in Solidago altissima. Evolution 47, 61-74. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1993. Competition among plants. Treballs de la Societat Catalana de Biologia (Barcelona) 44, 99-109.
Weiner, J. and Thomas, S.C. 1992. Competition and allometry in three species of annual plants. Ecology 73, 648-656. (pdf reprint)
Klinkhamer, P.G.L., Meelis, E., de Jong, T.J. and Weiner, J. 1992. On the analysis of size-dependent reproductive output in plants. Functional Ecology 6, 308-316. (pdf reprint)
Berntson, G.M. and Weiner, J. 1991. Size structure of populations within populations: Leaf number and size in crowded and uncrowded Impatiens pallida individuals. Oecologia 85, 327-331. (pdf reprint)
Pacala, S.A. and Weiner, J. 1991. Effects of including competitive asymmetry in a local density model of plant interference. Journal of Theoretical Biology 149, 165-179.
Thompson, B.K., Weiner, J. and Warwick, S.I. 1991. Size-dependent reproductive output in agricultural weeds. Canadian Journal of Botany 69, 442-446. (pdf reprint)
Crawley, M.J. and Weiner, J. 1991. Plant size variation and vertebrate herbivory: Winter wheat grazed by rabbits. Journal of Applied Ecology 28, 154-172.
Stoll, P., Weiner, J. and Schmid, B. 1991. Grössenvariabilität in einer Population von Pinus sylvestris. Pages 211-236 in B. Schmid and J. Stöcklin, eds., Populationsbiologie der Pflanzen. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel.
Weiner, J. 1990. Asymmetric competition in plant populations. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 5, 360-364. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Mallory, E.B. and Kennedy, C. 1990. Growth and variability in crowded and uncrowded populations of dwarf marigolds (Tagetes patula). Annals of Botany 65, 513-524. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J., Berntson, G.M. and Thomas, S.C. 1990. Competition and growth form in a woodland annual. Journal of Ecology 78, 459-469. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1990. Plant population ecology in agriculture. Pages 235-262 in C.R. Carroll, J.H. Vandermeer and P. Rosset, eds., Agroecology. McGraw-Hill, New York.
Miller, T.E. and Weiner, J. 1989. Local density variation may mimic effects of asymmetric competition on plant size variability. Ecology 70, 1188-1191. (pdf reprint)
Thomas, S.C. and Weiner, J. 1989. Growth, death and size distribution change in an Impatiens pallida population. Journal of Ecology 77, 524-536. (pdf reprint)
Thomas, S.C. and Weiner, J. 1989. Including competitive asymmetry in measures of local interference in plant populations. Oecologia 80, 349-355. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1988. The influence of competition on plant reproduction. Pages 228-245 in J. Lovett Doust and L. Lovett Doust, eds., Plant Reproductive Ecology: Patterns and Strategies. Oxford University Press, New York. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1988. Variation in the performance of individuals in plant populations. Pages 59-81 in A.J. Davy, M.J. Hutchings, and A.R. Watkinson, eds., Plant Population Ecology. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. and Whigham, D. 1988. Size variability and self-thinning in wild-rice (Zizania aquatica). American Journal of Botany 75, 445-448. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. and Corlett, R.T. 1987. Size structure of Livistona endauensis populations at four sites on Gunung Janing Barat, Johore, Malaysia. Malayan Nature Journal 41, 297-302.
Dixon, P.M., Weiner, J., Mitchell-Olds, T. and Woodley, R. 1987. Bootstrapping the Gini coefficient of inequality. Ecology 68, 1548-1551. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. and Thomas, S.C. 1986. Size variability and competition in plant monocultures. Oikos 47, 211-222. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1986. How competition for light and nutrients affects size variability in Ipomoea tricolor populations. Ecology 67, 1425-1427. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1985. Size hierarchies in experimental populations of annual plants. Ecology 66, 743-752. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1984. Neighbourhood interference amongst Pinus rigida individuals. Journal of Ecology 72, 183-195. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. and Solbrig, O.T. 1984. The meaning and measurement of size hierarchies in plant populations. Oecologia 61, 334-336. (pdf reprint)
Mithen, R., Harper, J.L. and Weiner, J. 1984. Growth and mortality of individual plants as a function of "available area". Oecologia 62, 57-61. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1982. A neighborhood model of annual plant interference. Ecology 65, 1237-1241.
Weiner, J. and Conte, P.T. 1981. Dispersal and neighborhood effects in an annual plant competition model. Ecological Modelling 13, 131-147. (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1980. The effect of plant density, species proportion and potassium-phosphorus fertilization on interference between Trifolium incarnatum and Lolium multiflorum with limited nitrogen supply. Journal of Ecology 68, 969-979. (pdf reprint)
Conference Proceedings
Griepentrog, H.W., Nielsen, J., Olsen, J.M. and Weiner, J. 2011. Simulating the influence of crop spatial patterns on canola yield. Pages 180-190 in Precision Agriculture 2011, J.V. Stafford, ed. Czech Centre for Science and Society. (pdf reprint)
Griepentrog, H.-W., Olsen, J.M. and Weiner, J. 2009 The influence of row width and seed spacing on uniformity of plant spatial distributions in Proceedings 67th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Hanover, Germany, VDI-Verlag, Dusseldorf, Germany. (pdf reprint)
Damgaard, C. and Weiner, J. 2006. Modelling size-asymmetric growth of individual plants. Pages 2002-211 in Symposium i Anvendt Statistik, P. Linde, H. Rootzén and E.-M. Traberg-Borup, eds. Danmarks Tekniske Universitet, Danmarks Statistik, Copenhagen.
Weiner, J. 2004. The use and potential misuse of the concept of ecosystem services. Journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry 143, 66-67. (pdf reprint)
Damgaard, C.F. and Weiner, J. 2017. Over-interpreting forest tree size distributions. eLetter Science (pdf)
Olsen, J., Griepentrog, H.W., Pedersen, S.M., Ørum, J.E. & Weiner, J. 2011. Biologisk ukrudtsbekæmpelse i kornafgrøder med forøget rumlig uniformitet og høj afgrødetæthed - Bekæmpelsesmiddelforskning fra Miljøstyrelsen 129, 2011. (link to pdf)
Popular articles
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Weiner, J. and Olsen, J. 2007. Konkurrenceevnen kan udnyttes. moMentum 5 (1), 28-30. (pdf reprint).
Interview with Jacob Weiner 2002. “Økologi er ikke politik.” MiljøDanmark 16(6) 10-11 (pdf reprint)
Weiner, J. 1999. Ecology education for forestry students. KVL Mosaik 7 (13), 6-7.
Weiner, J. 1998. The two meanings of ecology. KVL Mosaik 6 (6), 12-13. (pdf manuscript)
Weiner, J. 1996. How I came to leave Swarthmore after 18 years on the faculty. Swarthmore College Bulletin 93 (5), 7. (pdf reprint)